Learn to Create Audiobooks with Becky Parker Geist and Joel Friedlander

Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment of the publishing industry, with industry leaders projecting 40% growth over last year, following an unprecedented 31% growth 2015-2016. This is prime time for making sure your book is also in the audiobook distribution

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Literacy Autography All book proceeds to benefit @ProLitWorld, @LitPartners, and @thelacnyc. #RWA15 http://t.co/FrBS9Axkcj pic.twitter.com/yxVhrYCp0D — Sylvia Day • Author (@SylDay) July 20, 2015 — RWA (@romancewriters) July 23, 2015 All book proceeds to benefit @ProLitWorld, @LitPartners, and @thelacnyc. #RWA15 http://t.co/FrBS9Axkcj